Tag Archives: glassware

Dishes of the Month – June

The dishes for the month of June are called delphite.

They are Fire King like the jadeite that I have.

They are baby blue.

I have six dinner plates, two bread or salad plates, eight saucers, two cups, and a vegetable bowl.

I don’t have a lot of them, but enough for Big Ran , Madi, and me.

I am on the lookout for more of these.

I added my two blue goblets to the mix just for fun.

Check out my other blog www.justrestingup-home.blogspot.com.

I put a post on earlier today.

More later………………………….Sally

Dishes of the Month – May

Here is the 2nd set of dishes that I bought from the ladies at the church in my home town.

I got a set of six again.

This set came with clear, glass, dessert goblets.

They are just as beautiful as the 1st set and very similar to them.

I plan on combining them on occasion.

They are dinner plates, salad plates, cups and saucers, and dessert goblets.

Ooooh, the possibilities!

Here is a close up of the cups.

The dessert goblets are so dainty.

Thank you ladies of the church and Valerie!!

I will put these to good use.

More later……………………Sally

Dishes Of The Month

These dishes are some that I have had for over 20 years.

I started buying them one at a time at the grocery store until I had the set.

They are beautiful.

The original set was a set of eight, dinner plates, saucers, bowls, and glasses.

I found four extra plates at an antique store about ten years ago.

The extras with this set are a divided plate, pedestal cake plate, and a large bowl.  

The design on these dishes is very pretty.

You will be seeing these again shortly because they are going to my daughter’s house this Sunday.  She is making Sunday dinner for all of us. And I am taking these dishes to her and blogging about it (of course).

When I started collecting these dishes I did it so I could give them to my daughters when they had a home of their own. 

My daughter, Kayli already has hers.  They were a set that my Grandma Stroup gave to me and Kayli’s dad when we got married. 

 Kamille is ready for hers.


More later……………………Sally

Dishes For The Month Of December

This first picture is my potpourri that I posted about in my little crock pot.


Here are the dishes for the month of December.

We use these every year.  They have just the right amount of red, green, and holly.

I found these glasses at a garage sale for 10 cents a piece.

LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I bought two sets of the snack plates below from JC Penney about 8 years ago.

As you can see they are square.  I would love to have more square dishes, they just seem  more modern than the regular circle ones.

This little bowl is cute.

 To me polka dots make everything just a bit more fun!

Hope your day is Merry and Bright!!

More later………………………….Sally

Dishes for the Month of November

I have all of my Thanksgiving dishes out and they won’t all fit in my little cubby hole that I put my other month’s dishes of the month in, so,  I will have to pick which one to use this month.

Here is my turkey platter.

I have my purple cut glass dishes out.  I bought them on Ebay about 6 years ago.  There are 4 dinner plates, 4 salad plates, 4 soup bowls, and 12 drinking glasses.

Purple cut glass drinking glasses.

These brown  transfer ware dishes are marked Staffordshire.

Brown and purple for November…………….who would have thought?


More later………….Sally