Tag Archives: Traditions

Easter Fun

This Easter was a great time!

There was lots of great food…..


Mom  always does the Easter feast and it was delicious this year.

The asparagus bundles were my favorite.

I like to try to make something fun for Easter every year so I made these nests with eggs.

Sooooooooooooooo easy!


I love getting together with family.

Especially when a good game of kickball is involved.



Everybody plays.

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My brother, Bill was really moving out in that one!!!


According to my family, you are never too young or too old for kickball.

I hope your Easter fun was as memorable as mine!


More later………………………………..Sally


Easter Bunny Cake

Here it is!

I made mine white, because I am pretty sure the real Easter bunny is white.


He didn’t turn out too bad, if I do say so myself!

 Thanks Megan for taking the picture.

You never know what you can do unless you try.

My motto is,  “If I can do it, anybody can!”

More later………………..Sally


Easter 2011

 Everyone had a great time on Easter at Mom’s this year.

This silverware is a family heirloom.

I will do a whole post on it at a later date. 

Mom made a beautiful table.

The blue and white dishes with the lace tablecloth and the cobalt blue glasses was just perfect. 

Isn’t is gorgeous?!

Dad used to collect the cobalt glass.

He would have really loved this table.

Big Ran and Grandma Stroup enjoying everyone’s company.

I just love this cabbage bowl.

I made the Ramon Noodle salad in it.


Happy 1st Easter to Grammy’s little man!!

Just a little bit of posing for the camera. 

The big hunt!

Then the Easter Baskets came out!

And the grand finale, the bunny cake.  

What a tiring day…………….

Kennedy fell asleep while coloring.

And here is her mom, watching her.

I hope every one had a great Easter celebration.

He is Risen!!!! 



More later…………………Sally 

Coloring Easter Eggs

We are all excited about our annual egg dyeing day.

Can you tell??

This is Kennedy.

Baby Michael is pretty excited, too!

This year we are doing the neon colors. 

I thought I would try the gel food coloring.

Kennedy is making a beautiful design  on this egg!

The neon colors don’t take very long and they are very vibrant.

I love the purple ones!

We colored three dozen, we usually do five dozen or more.

We are big egg hunters around here. 

I am pretty sure that we have an egg with everyone’s name on it.

Now back in the fridge until the hunt.


More later………………….Sally