Tag Archives: Halloween

It’s Gettin’ Spooky

I was just driving by looking at the tress when I came upon this.

An abandon cemetery, looking very spooky to me.

It’s that time of year!

We are doing our annual pumpkin carving this weekend, pictures to come.

More later……………….Sally

Halloween 2011

Shafer loves to dress up for Halloween.   Can’t you tell?  He decided to be a turtle this year.

He is so sweet!

Here is Michael dressed up like a chicken.

Michael and his Momma.

Kennedy is Cinderella.  Gracy is Snow White.

Gracy and her witchy Momma.                    

 Hudson’s first Halloween was a success!

Nic went to the Kansas City Chiefs game dressed like this……………..can you tell who he is supposed to be??

It’s a wonder that he didn’t get kicked out!!  Hank is not that popular with the NFL right now.

I hope everyone enjoys their family as much as we do around here!

More later…………………..Sally

Pinterest – Halloween Costumes

I found a ton of Halloween costumes on pinterest.

Oooooooooh the possibilities!

Here are just a few.

Check it out!

Grass hair with bugs.

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Hot air balloon costume.
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What a twisted funny idea!!!
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Dum didaliddalie!
I could see me and Big Ran dressed like this!!!
Have a Happy Halloween!!
More later………………Sally


Our Front Door This Month – October 2011

This is what my front door looks like this month.

The hanging sign is an old baking sheet painted with chalkboard paint that I bought in a small shop in Osborn, Missouri.  I love that place!!

The little old table has been painted a few times.  On it you can see orange, yellow, and white paint.  As you can tell, the bare wood is also showing.

In the lantern I have a small and a large terra-cotta jack o lantern with lights in them.

I have had these for years.  I bought them at a statuary store that we stopped at, driving home from a softball tournament.       

And, of course, I have my Missouri Western Griffons flag flying! 

What does your front door look like?

I would love to see it.


More later…………………………Sally


Pumkin Carving?

We had a weenie roast and pumpkin carving party a few weekends ago.  Kennedy and Gracyn had a great time in the sandbox.

Little Hudson was nestled in the pumpkin patch.

The girls singing and dancing like their mommas use to do.

Madison on the Gator.

Gracy saying, “CHEESE”! 

It was a beautiful day and I took a lot of pictures.

Grandpa Randy takes his grandbabies for a ride on the 4 wheeler.

Nana let the kids play with the dolls!!

My twin baby girls.  My how time flies!

Michael (or junior as his Grandpa Randy calls him) loves the Gator and he is very serious when he gets to take a ride on it.

This is his smile after he gets done riding it!

They are emerging, watch out!!

Only two pumpkins got carved this year.  The grandkids like to add stickers  and draw on their pumpkins.

Kamille and Justin worked on a pumpkin together.  It turned out really good.

Here is our display for this year.

Happy Halloween



More later………………Sally