Tag Archives: depression glass

Dishes Of The Month

These dishes are some that I have had for over 20 years.

I started buying them one at a time at the grocery store until I had the set.

They are beautiful.

The original set was a set of eight, dinner plates, saucers, bowls, and glasses.

I found four extra plates at an antique store about ten years ago.

The extras with this set are a divided plate, pedestal cake plate, and a large bowl.  

The design on these dishes is very pretty.

You will be seeing these again shortly because they are going to my daughter’s house this Sunday.  She is making Sunday dinner for all of us. And I am taking these dishes to her and blogging about it (of course).

When I started collecting these dishes I did it so I could give them to my daughters when they had a home of their own. 

My daughter, Kayli already has hers.  They were a set that my Grandma Stroup gave to me and Kayli’s dad when we got married. 

 Kamille is ready for hers.


More later……………………Sally

Dishes For The Month

 These pretty yellow plates are the inspiration for this month’s dishes.

I got 6 of them at a garage sale 2 or 3 years ago.


These napkins match them perfectly.

I found them at Target.


I got this egg plate at an auction of my neighbor, who I lived by as a child.

It is supposed to have little salt and pepper shakers shaped like eggs in the middle of it.

If anyone knows where I can find some, please let me know!  


This is a Pyrex covered dish.

I have fallen in love with Pyrex!!


I bought this little polka dot plate at a garage sale.



I have no idea where this came from!!


Dishes I have bought from Nell Hill’s in Atchison, Kansas.


Depression glass 


This is all Fiesta Ware.

Some are old and some are new. 


I think it makes the kitchen look fresh.



What do you think?

More later…………Sally 

Dishes For The Month Of February

 These are the dishes for February.

This is a mix of a lot of different dishes.

 The red cup and plates are Fiesta. 

 The pink saucers are depression glass.

  The heart cup is from when my son, Nic broke his elbow trying to ride a 10 speed bike at a birthday party of his friend.

  His friend sent him the cup with candy in it and balloons attached to it.

  That was at least 10 to 12 years ago, so it could be considered vintage, (if not antique)!


                       This sugar and creamer is Fiesta. 

  I bought the heart plates in the back at Target last year.                                     

The pink bowl with lid on the bottom and the red bowls are Pyrex.

  The pink pitcher is Fiesta that I found at a garage sale last year for $2.00.


Happy Valentine’s Day!!

My Thanksgiving Table

 Just Resting up

My Thanksgiving Table

I love getting all my Thanksgiving dishes out and making everything pretty.

I have gathered these dishes through the years and I love each every one of them!

I collect all kinds of dishes…transferware, depression glass, ironstone, jadite, fiesta, and several more.

I come by my collecting honestly, my mom and my grandma have collected for many more years than I have.

I used to think that they were crazy with all those dishes.

Now I think I am just a little crazy myself.

This is what my table looked like yesterday.

This is what it looks like today.

These turkeys are salt and pepper shakers

 All my place settings are different, LOVE IT!!

                                                                               My silverware is Bakelite.
  I would love to have more of this in all different colors.

 I even have some bakelite serving pieces.

 I love Ebay.

 Lots of different colors and patterns of depression glass.

 I hope you have enjoyed these pictures as much as I have putting this together.

 More later……..Sally