Tag Archives: Family

Easter Food

Easter is fast approaching and of course, The Lord, Our Savior is the first thing that comes to your mind.

Secondly, is food!!!!!

There’s Ham, Lamb, salads, desserts, vegetable sides of all kinds!!!!

Mom is in charge of Easter dinner every year and this year she is having a “cookout”.

So we will be having hamburgers, hot dogs, and brats.

Sounds good, huh!!

I’ve been looking for new recipes to try on Pinterest, as I always do.

Last year I made this tomato, corn, and avocado salad and everyone liked it, so I’m making it again.


I am also going to make this banana pudding recipe.



And to give the kids something fun to eat, I am making this rice krispie treat recipe.

It is made with the little marshmallow peeps.


What are you planning on making for your Easter dinner?

After church, of course.

More later……………Sally

Wrap Up of October

We had a busy October.

My daughter Kayli and her fiancé Chad got married.

Here is a picture of their beautiful family.



These se two came home from Arkansas to attend the wedding, it was great to have them home again.


We had a small reception with a little karaoke action.

That’s my son Nic, my aunt Marilyn, and me singing for the crowd.


It was a great night with lots of family and good friends!

Then we had Halloween, of course.

Here is a shot of Hudson with his ghostly gourd.


Kinsley, Kennedy, and Michael are showing off their Jack-O-Lanterns.


Hope your October was great, too!


More later………………Sally

Caldwell Reunion 2014

We have recently had our family reunion.

We always have an auction of things we all bring, canned goods, baked items, hand-made items, whatever you want to bring.

The Caldwell family is very talented.

My favorite auction item that I won this year was my Aunt Janice’s plum jelly.


It’s a great idea, we use the money from the auction to pay for the rental of the country club that we have our reunion in.

Of course the kids love the swimming.

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We always have a great time.

I still miss my Dad, I guess I always will!

More later…………………..Sally

Birthdays, Birthdays, BIRTHDAYS!

We have had some birthday celebrations around here lately.

Gracyn came up from Arkansas to stay a week last month, so we celebrated her 5th birthday while she was here.

We had a cookout and birthday cake and ice cream at her Aunt Kayli’s house.

All her cousins were there!!

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 The  picture above on the right is Gracyn with her great grandparents.

I also threw a surprise 50th birthday party for Big Ran.

We had a Miami Dolphin cake and Mountain Dew cupcakes on the desert table.

I made a 50 sign with pictures of him on it.

He received some great old man gifts!!!

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 I don’t know if you have noticed or not , but Big Ran has grown a “Soul Patch” on his chin since he has retired from the Army Reserve.

He is very proud!

He joined the Army Reserve when he was 18, so this is the first time he has had to grow facial hair.

So to honor his “Soul Patch”, I bought those stick on mustaches and cut them to look like soul patches for everyone to wear.

Fun time!!

I wish I had taken more pictures!!!

My cousin, Joni and her son, Dakota on the right and Big Ran’s coach from high school, Gerald Bond on the left.

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We all had a great time!

More later…………….Sally

Update on my Health issues

I want to start this blog by saying, “Thank you”  to all the generous people in my life and in my family’s life.

We are still receiving cards, prayers, emails, texts, Snapchats, Facebook messages, phone calls, and the yummy food from the great cooks around.

The last time I blogged about my breast cancer journey, I told you that I only had three more rounds of chemotherapy left.

I finished that.

Along with the chemo I was taking 200 milligrams of a cancer blocker called Herceptin.

The Herceptin is given for a total of a year.

My year is over in November.

Normally when you finish with the chemo you continue with the Herceptin until your year is up.

Instead of going in to the cancer center every week, they triple up the dose and you go every three weeks.

In 8% of patients that have gone through this whole scenario you swell up everywhere including your joints and this causes some terrible joint pain.

I happen to be in the lucky 8%!!!

So I am off from work for now until this subsides.

I am not supposed to be on my feet for more than 30 minutes at a time or lift more than 5 pounds.

So, this little fella and I have done a lot of hanging out!


Isn’t he sweet!

I’m not complaining about this, just an update.

Since I am off work and not making any money, I am selling some extra goodies that we have lying around the house that we don’t want to move to the new house in a few weeks.

I will be adding a bunch of stuff every day for the next few days.

Okay, on to the rest of the story, as I have mentioned before, I have two different kinds of breast cancer.

One is called HER2-positive metastic breast cancer.

They have just come out with a new chemotherapy for this cancer that also has a blocker with it.

It is called Perjeta.

It has been used for stage 4 cancer patients for a while now and has recently been approved for stage 3 breast cancer patients, which is what I am considered.

My doctor has recommended that I do 4 rounds of this every three weeks.

Back on the chemo……………………..

I have had one round of this so far.

I can not express to anyone how hard this is on the family of a cancer patient.

It has to be way worse than anything that I could go through.

I love you all!!

More later……………….Sally