Daily Archives: October 28th, 2011

Our Front Door This Month – October 2011

This is what my front door looks like this month.

The hanging sign is an old baking sheet painted with chalkboard paint that I bought in a small shop in Osborn, Missouri.  I love that place!!

The little old table has been painted a few times.  On it you can see orange, yellow, and white paint.  As you can tell, the bare wood is also showing.

In the lantern I have a small and a large terra-cotta jack o lantern with lights in them.

I have had these for years.  I bought them at a statuary store that we stopped at, driving home from a softball tournament.       

And, of course, I have my Missouri Western Griffons flag flying! 

What does your front door look like?

I would love to see it.


More later…………………………Sally